EVE PANDORA | Support Us

Help Support PANDORA in a number of ways. All ways of supporting PANDORA are used in maintaining our website and in providing content. Your support is much appreciated!


When purchasing items from the EVE ONLINE STORE, by adding EVEPANDORA as the affiliate code at the checkout you will be helping to support fund PANDORA completely free!

In helping to support PANDORA in this way, funds will be used to help maintain the running of our website and in purchasing items and PLEX as part of our EVE Partner program.

evepandora.com is also the name of a corporation within EVE ONLINE itself.
ISK and Loyalty Point contributions can be sent to this corporation which will be used to purchase items as rewards and to help fund campaigns and missions which are made available to all citizens of NEW EDEN.

PANDORA has a paypal wallet!

By clicking the button above, you will be taken to a donation link where you can donate any amount to WEBTRONIX, our development team.

All donations sent in this way will help maintain our website, purchase ingame rewards and power up the hamsters that roll out the content.

One off payments, monthly or yearly options are available.

Thank you!
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